Backpacking Southeast Asia and China - let the planning begin!

Let the Planning Begin!

Planning the Last Big Hurrah - Backpacking Southeast Asia and China

To slake my wanderlust and Austin's pre-fatherhood yearnings, we are embarking on a 4-month adventure to the land of the jungle, temples, elephants, monkeys, and all things beautiful: Southeast Asia and China!

When telling others of our exciting adventure ahead, I have often received the response "Why on earth do you want to go there? I have absolutely no desire to go to that part of the world." Well, first off, how rude. Shame on them for raining on my parade, (names omitted). Second, this area encompasses many of the most beautiful places on earth, places inaccessible with a minivan full of infants, toddlers, and whiners (aka my future). Third, it is cheap. Like super cheap. And I have already seen Rome and dined at over-priced Parisian cafes. Austin and I are thrilled to embrace new cultures, peoples, languages, sights, and arts that our American education skipped over.

The adventurers: Austin and Steph (24-yr-old married couple)

The plan: leave January 8, 2014 (Beijing first or Bali first? TBD), bring not but a backpack, travel our guts out, return May 1, 2014.

The countries: Indonesia (Bali), Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, and China (See purple lines in map below. Ops. Cut off Beijing.)

The funds: $40 a day and almost free airfare (This is doable, according to our considerable research thus far. Wish us luck! Thanks a million American Express flight miles!)

The blog: I'm a big document-or, and there is a need for a one-stop shop for lots of travel information. Maybe this can help someone else avoid repeating some of the research we are sweating over! Also, we have freakish amounts of fun, way more than the average anyone. It is your decision to call it gloating, brave, stupid, or inspirational.

Plus, I love Charlotte and Jonah.

1 comment:

  1. k i want to follow your blog but I don't see a "follow" button. Help me.
